Monday, February 05, 2018

Release candidate for wxWidgets 3.1.1 available

The release candidate for the next wxWidgets release is available here and any help with testing it would be appreciated. Please consider rebuilding your applications using it, it shouldn't be difficult if you're already using wx 3.0 or later, as this release has few backwards incompatible changes compared to 3.0 and practically none compared to 3.1.0, and if you encounter any problems with either building or running them with the new release, please let us know so that we could still have a chance to fix them before the final 3.1.1 planned in two weeks time.

Here is a more detailed description of the new release if you'd just like to see what is new in it (but there will probably be another post about it here after 3.1.1 itself).

Thanks in advance!

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