Friday, April 30, 2010

GSoC 2010 Projects Announced

We're very happy to announce that five students have been accepted by Google Summer of Code program to work on wxWidgets this summer. Our congratulations to:
  • Mingquan Yang who will enhance images support in wxRichTextCtrl.
  • Rickard Westerlund who will bring support to new Windows Vista/7 UI elements to wxWidgets.
  • Julien Weinzorn who will implement the masked edit control.
  • Javier Torres who will work on wxQt port implementation.
  • Steven Lamerton who will add many more unit tests for wxWidgets GUI classes.
(if you're wondering about the order, it's really random -- or, rather, reversed (because using the straight one all the time is not fair, especially if your name starts with 'Z' :-) alphabetical order of names).

The projects are a mix of concrete, immediately user-visible improvements and more ambitious long-term investments. But all of them should be very useful to wxWidgets and its users.

Thanks once again to Google for organizing the Summer of Code and looking forward to it!


Anonymous said...

Great news! Very interested in wxQT port.

zooplah said...

1. New Windows UI elements: Will that create incompatibilities with the other ports? Are the other ports going to fake these new UI elements?
2. wxQT: That's going to be quite difficult to do in just a few months. I worked on the Windows API binding for another toolkit for two years and it still wasn't finished (of course, people who suck less than I do will have better luck).
3. Five students isn't really that much.
4. In what version can we expect to see the students' improvements, assuming they're successful?