Google Summer of Code 2014 will start accepting applications soon and we plan to submit one for wxWidgets, as we have done every year since 2006. Unfortunately, last year our application wasn't accepted and while technical issues with our GSoC 2013 web site were given as the main reason for its rejection, I think lack of really good project ideas played its role as well. So we'd like to do better this time and try to propose more and, most importantly, more interesting projects to the students.
Coming with the good project ideas is not that simple however, so I'd like to ask for your help, hoping that perhaps it's easier to come up with something new, interesting and original from the outside perspective. So if you think you know some fun to work on, yet useful project that we could propose to the students this year, please let us know -- either in the comments here, or by posting to one of our mailing lists. Let me just remind you that GSoC projects must be about programming and should be realistic, i.e. the task should be such that we could reasonably expect a student to complete it in 3 months of work. And, once again, ideally it should be something students would be motivated to work on.
Looking forward to your ideas!